Baby Balance Bike Australia. Balance bikes first bikes or walk bikes are designed to teach young children how to balance and control a bike before worry of pedalling. The WeeRide baby seat is the best selling child bike seat in the UK with 10k sales a year and winner of numerous awards.
Carrying Strap is easy for parents to carry the bike. -Due to different producing batches product details might be a little different. 1 x Balance BikeNeed to assembly.
The WeeRide baby seat is the best selling child bike seat in the UK with 10k sales a year and winner of numerous awards.
We also sell helmets and some really cute road signs to help you familiarize your child with basic road signs. -Due to different producing batches product details might be a little different. Its a baby ride-on a glide along tricycle and even as a foldable balancing bike all in one. The Strider 12 Sport Balance Bike is a fully adjustable balance bike to suit your child from 18 months to five years.