Are Fillings Necessary For Baby Teeth

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Are Fillings Necessary For Baby Teeth. The treatment options for repairing primary teeth depends largely upon when we expect the arrival of the permanent tooth. It may not be necessary in every situation.

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Once everything has been taken away the tooth will be filled with a filling. Fillings in baby teeth are a common necessary procedure for a child who has cavities. Fillings in baby teeth help stop cavities and the tooth decay that causes the cavities from spreading.

Smaller cavities in baby teeth can often be cleaned without using a local anesthetic.

Parents often ask Why are fillings in baby teeth or other treatment necessary and Arent those baby teeth going to fall out anyways The short answer is yes treatment is typically necessary and yes those baby teeth will eventually fall out. Continue reading to learn more about why its necessary to get fillings on baby teeth. Milk teeth and Cavities Most parents believe that since the childs milk teeth are eventually going to fall out cavities in the milk teeth need not be taken care of. Many parents wonder why their child needs dental fillings if the baby teeth will just fall out anyway.